So I was remarking to a coworker today that the HTML Canvas API is very low level and hard to use, and his reaction to that was actually positive (and he had a point). By being very low level, it means that pretty much everything is exposed and going forward you won't have to wait for browser vendors to update their libraries in order to get the latest features. Basically, the browser vendors are removing themselves from the equation. However, application developers are left with a bit of a dilemma. Do we really want to reinvent the wheel every time we build an app? Why is it that you have to redraw everything every frame? Wouldn't it be easier to work with objects rather than pushing pixels? Well, while the browser vendors might have removed themselves from the library equation, fortunately a number of other people are stepping in. It looks like there are a myriad of 3rd party libraries out there now for manipulating the HTML 5 Canvas, some of which are more sophisticated
This is my technical blog where I note things I have developed that I want to remember.