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Showing posts from August, 2013

IE console.log(). It works, except when it doesn't...

So I made an interesting discovery today. console.log() in IE9 only works when the console is open! As a web developer, and especially a JavaScript developer, the most useful tool in your arsenal is console.log() . And while you should (for the most part) remove any console.log() calls from your code as soon as you have finished debugging, sometimes your library code might contain it, or other times if you are writing a framework for an intermediary to use, you might leave a couple of messages for your intermediaries using console.log() . console.log() first made an appearance in Firefox's Firebug (or at least that is when I first noticed it) and has been in most major browsers, including Internet Explorer since version 8. Whilst developing, I have happily had my console open so I can debug things. Anyways, fast forward to the current app I am working on. I am lucky enough to be working on a project that uses HTML5 canvas and the project I am working on is used by a game